Actual positions
- Associate professor (since Nov 2015), Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathe Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
- Researcher (part-time, since Sep 2003), Mathematical Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences
Qualification and degrees
- Associate professor of mathematics (2015) Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. Thesis: Discrete Group Actions: Algorithms and Applications
- Philosophiae doctor (2006) Mathematical Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava in the field "Algebra and Number Theory". Thesis: 3-Manifolds with Heegaard Genus at most Two.
- Karabáš, J., Nedela, R., Skyvová, M, Computing equivalence classes of finite group actions on orientable surfaces, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 228 Issue 6 (2024), 107578. (also arXiv:2203.05812 [math.GR]).
- Karabáš, J. Máčajová, E. Nedela, R., Škoviera, M. Colouring defect of a cubic graph and the conjectures of Fan-Raspaud and Fulkerson, arXiv:2312.13638 [math.CO], (v1) 21 Dec 2023.
- Karabáš, J. Máčajová, E. Nedela, R., Škoviera, M. Perfect-matching covers of cubic graphs with colouring defect 3, In: Proceedings of EUROCOMB'23, MUNI Press, 639–646.
- Karabáš, J. Máčajová, E. Nedela, R., Škoviera, M. Cubic graphs with colouring defect 3, arXiv:2308.13639 [math.CO], (v2) 2 Oct 2023.
- Karabáš, J. Máčajová, E. Nedela, R., Škoviera, M. Girth, oddness, and colouring defect of snarks, Discrete Mathematics 345, Issue 11, December 2022, 113040 (also arXiv:2106.12205 [math.CO])
- Karabáš, J. Máčajová, E. Nedela, R., Škoviera, M. Berge's conjecture for cubic graphs with small colouring defect, arXiv:2210.13234 [math.CO], (v2) 25 Oct 2022.
- Estélyi, I., Karabáš, J., Mednykh, A., Nedela, R. Jacobian of a graph and graph automorphisms, arXiv:2206.01469 [math.CO], (v4) 4 Jan 2024..
- Estélyi, I., Karabáš, J., Mednykh, A., Nedela, R. On a representation of the automorphism group of a graph in a unimodular group, Discrete Mathematics 344, Issue 12, December 2021, 112606. (also arXiv:2102.04239 [math.CO]).
- d’Azevedo, A.B., Catalano, D.A., Karabáš, J. and Nedela, R. Quadrangle Group Inclusions, Beitr. Algebra Geom. (2017) 58, pp. 369-394.
- d’Azevedo A.B., Catalano D.A., Karabáš J., Nedela R. Census of Quadrangle Groups Inclusions. In: Širáň J., Jajcay R. (eds) Symmetries in Graphs, Maps, and Polytopes. SIGMAP 2014. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 159. Springer, Cham.
- Breda d'Azevedo, A., Catalano, D. A., and Karabáš, J., Two infinite families of Archimedean maps of higher genera , Ars Combinatoria 128, pp. 241-254, 2016.
- Karabáš, J., Discrete Group Actions: Algorithms and Applications, Habilitation Thesis, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, 2015.
- Breda d'Azevedo, A., Catalano, D. A., Karabáš, J., and Nedela, R., Maps of Archimedean Class and operations on dessins, Discrete Mathematics 338, Issue 10, (2015), 1814–1825, Proceedins of Seventh Czech-Slovak International Symposium on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms and Applications, Košice 2013.
- Karabáš, J., Máčajová, E., and Nedela, R., 6-decomposition of snarks, European Journal of Combinatorics 34 (2013), 111 - 122
- Karabáš, J., and Nedela, R., Archimedean maps of higher genera, Math. Comp. 81 (2012), 569-583.
- Karabáš, J., and Nedela, R., Archimedean solids of genus two, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 28 (2007), 331-339.
- Karabáš, J., Maličký, P., and Nedela, R., Three-manifolds with Heegaard genus at most two represented by crystallisations with at most 42 vertices , Discrete Mathematics 307 (2007), 2569 - 2590.
- Karabáš, J., 3-manifolds with Heegaard genus at most two, PhD Thesis, Mathematical Institute of SAS, Bratislava, 2005.
- Karabáš, J., Maličký, P., and Nedela, R., Fundamental groups of prime 3-manifolds of genus at most two , Tatra Mountains Math. Publ. 36 (2007), 1-11, Proceedings of conference "Graphs 2004".
- Karabáš, J., and Nedela, R., Minimal Representatives of G-classes of 3-Manifolds of Genus Two, Acta Univ. M. Belii. Ser. Mathematics 10 (2003), 21-42.